Sustainable development
SOKOA and the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach
SOKOA’s SR policy is part and parcel of a proactive, practical engagement in Sustainable Development that is rooted in the company’s history and indeed its very DNA. Thus, since 2011, its SR policy, based on the founding guidelines of ISO 26000, has been underpinned by the company’s basic values and commitment to Sustainable Development.
SOKOA is regularly referred to as one of its region’s most virtuous and innovative companies, and at its last assessment, in June 2021, certification agency AFNOR awarded it level 4,‘EXEMPLARY’.
SOKOA’s overall policy is built upon the 4 pillars of sustainable development-economic, social, environmental and societal – and it is in this last category that the company particularly stands out. In addition to the SR issues addressed by lSO 26000, the expectations of the company’s stakeholders are at the heart of its strategy and guide decision-making on a daily basis.

Sustainable development is possible only if the company itself is sustainable. To withstand overtime, profitability is an absolute must. In order to reach this goal SOKOA relies on :
- A solid financial structure
- A large autonomy in its decisions
- Its economic Powerhouse rule in a longstanding network of 100 partners and 500 customers
- A mature quality System certified ISO 9001 since 2003
- A long-time experience in terms of innovation, design and R&D
SOKOA’s environmental commitments were established long ago and are a key component of the company’s future. The company’s environmental policy structured according to the stages of its product lifecycle.
- R&D AND DESIGN : Lifecycle analyses, separable products, use of bio-materials
- PURCHASING & SUPPLY CHAIN : Purchasing of separable recycled components, Packaging optimization, Environmental rating of suppliers, preference given to local supplier
- PRODUCTION : ISO 14001 Management System, Audit and reducing energy consumption, Waste sorting, Collection and recycling
- PRODUCTS : NF Environment certified ranges, Sustainability components provided 8 years after purchase date, Recycled materials, Active standby on environmental labelling products
- END OF LIFE : Products easily removable, plastic parts identification, founding member of Valdelia Better Carbon Footprint

Above all, SOKOA is a human adventure, with values and a plan to create and sustain jobs in its region, the Basque Country.
The four pillars of managing human resources and SOKOA teams are a respect for and an interest in the employee relative to the company, training, equality and working conditions, including health and safety.
- The employees are all shareholders of the company and hold 25% of the capital
- Former employees, also shareholders, hold 20% of the capital
- Together, current and former employees hold nearly half of the capital of SOKOA
- More than 98% of our 1,200 shareholders are individuals
- Training budget is double the legal requirement
- Focus is on occupational Health & Safety
- Focus is on Equality Man / Woman. Our latest index shows 86 out of 100 points
- Involved in protecting Human Rights SOKOA is member of ONU Global Compact since 2005

SOKOA is the result of a public savings plan and regional players who believed in taking responsibility for the future, revitalizing the local economy, and creating jobs in the Basque Country.
- Creating and Preserving Local Jobs: A leitmotiv for SOKOA.
- Whenever possible, SOKOA gives priority to local suppliers.
- Through its sponsorship program, SOKOA contributes to the life of its region.
- Actively involved in Regional Discussion and Instruction.